Now they bring to you the release of Body Drench N’Dulge Your Face: Smooth Out, Body Drench N’Dulge Your Body: Bronze It, Body Drench N’Dulge Your Body: Shine On, Body Drench N’Dulge Your Legs: Firm Up, and Body Drench N’Dulge Your Body: Heat Up!
Body Drench N’Dulge Your Body Heat Up, is a wonderful, warming tanning creme! This product has a magnificent formula to help defeat the process of aging with dermaxyl. Dermaxyl will help to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines while also amplifying your tan! This product is recommended for experienced tanners.
Body Drench N’Dulge Your Body: Bronze It is a product made specificially for people who are looking to slim up areas in need of firming and shaping. This product also contains 5 ultra bronzing agents, which make it an excellent tanning lotion for moderately experienced tanners!
Body Drench N’Dulge Your Body: Shine On takes a step past the Bronze. This product introduces you to a luxurious shimmering glow. Shine On will amplify your beautiful bronze tan, leaving a luminescent shimmer behind.
Body Drench N’Dulge Your Legs Firm Up. This incredible combination of Liporeductyl and Palmatine will help to contour problem areas in both the legs and derriére. Liporeductyl is a unique, new solution in fighting cellulite! Palmatine is a hair reducing chemical and is effective after the first use! Overall, Body Drench N’Dulge Your Legs Firm Up, is a phenomenal bronzer in Firm Up Leg Tanning Creme.
Body Drench N’Dulge Your Face Smooth Out is a creamy, delicate facial tanning lotion. This product has a special anti-aging complex that will help to eliminate fine lines! Body Drench N’Dulge Your Face Smooth Out has collagen boosters that will help enhance the appearance of your skin, while also giving off an enjoyable, lavender aroma.
The Staff at Stuff4beauty
These products sound amazing!!